Working the phones is an essential part of making your weekly sales goals, but you need a process. Early on in business, I invested in sales training, and I found it incredibly valuable. Here are a few tips I learned back then that I still use to build my own business. Here are SmallBizLady’s 6 tips on how to make great sales calls.
#1 Make BOLD Calls
Do your homework on your prospects so that you have something to talk about. It is all about building a relationship. People do business with people they like, know and trust. Remember, it typically takes three quality contacts before you can turn a relationship into commerce. Leverage LinkedIn to find a connection point. It could be something as simple as where they went to school, any hobbies, or volunteer organizations they support.
#2 Understand the Calling Rules
Never call a new contact on Mondays or Fridays and never call before 10:30am or after 3:30pm. People hate to be sold to. You don’t want to annoy people when they first come to work or when they are trying to get out the door to pickup their kids or start their weekend. The best days to catch people for a casual conversation is on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays.
#3 Make a Call Sheet in Advance
Successful sales calls are built on momentum. You need to have a call list to work from. The day before you plan to call, create a list of at least of 10-15 contacts to call when you are making your rounds. All you want to do check in on your prospects and existing customers.
#4 Qualify If This is a Good Time to Talk
Once you get someone on the phone, always clarify ”Is it a good time to talk, I only need 15 minutes?” If you say you only need 15 minutes, MEAN IT! It is incredibly rude to just launch into what you want to say without checking to see if someone has time. Remember the most valuable thing anyone can give you is their time.
#5 Leave a Voicemail, But Don’t Be a Stalker
When leaving a voicemail, be sure to remind them how you met and explain how you can help. I always try to use a question – such as, “Would it be helpful to you if I could help you make an extra $1,000 a month, if so give me a call then restate your name and phone number.” Once you start leaving messages, call back only three times, otherwise you are a stalker. If they are interested, they’ll call you back.
#6 Always Follow-up Any Call With an Email
Be sure to reiterate your voicemail message in an email with your prospects. Be friendly and define any next steps including when you plan to call back. And if you say you’ll call back next week, you’d better do it.
Sales can be really tough sometimes in a small business, but without sales and repeat business you will not be in business very long. If you could use some help with your sales; I have a gift for you. One of my favorite sales experts Jeffrey Gitomer and I are giving you a free webinar series called, “How to Really Make Sales.” Jeffrey is the New York Times Bestseller author, “The Little Red Book of Selling.” Jeffrey is a master sales expert and I know you’ll benefit greatly from our knowledge and advice during the “How to Really Make Sales” webinar series.
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Mark your calendar: The Webinar series will take place LIVE on GoToWebinar at 1pm and replay at 4pm and 7pm that same day.
- Thursday Nov. 20, 1pm ET – How to Close a Sale
- Thursday Dec. 4th, 1pm ET – How to Build a Relationship
If you miss one, not to worry, it will replay twice after it’s recorded, so it will be available for you when you are ready to learn. Get your gift today:
We only have 1,000 spots open for this series. I want you to get in before we reach capacity. Register here today.
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